RichC | May 12, 2012
My mom’s surgery went semi-okay today. The surgeon indicated that he was able to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, but unfortunately with the infected tissue (and possibly bone) they were unable to “cement” the vertebrae fractures. Long term this will be a problem but can’t be repaired until infection is gone. She […]
Category: Health, Sailing, Video |
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Tags: encore, inflatable, momc, surgery, zodiac
RichC | May 12, 2012
I’ll start off with the stressful update that my mom will be going in for spinal decompression surgery at OSU Wexler Medical Center on Saturday … and that I won’t be there. Her doctors are cautious, but confident that they will be able to relieve pain by eliminating pressure the nerve bundles and spinal cord […]
Category: Health, Personal, Sailing |
Tags: back, encore, hospital, mom, sailing, surgery