Happy Mother’s Day 2024 to Brenda, Katelyn and ALL Moms

| May 12, 2024

While picking out a card for “the mother of my grown children” this year, I couldn’t help notice how inflation has impacted the price of greeting cards. Perhaps when I was in the business of putting ink on paper, the price per sheet as it were, I wasn’t really given too much thought to each […]

Being a great parent really isn’t that difficult #video

| May 9, 2024

Being a great parent isn’t always expensive … it just takes a little time and attention to your children. Here’s someone spotted on social media being a great mom … and a pretty cute little girl enjoying the ride! 

Glad we are all getting a chance to visit my mom

| November 13, 2012

Adding at least one day worth of make-up postings with this past weekend photo of Taylor as we visited with his Grandma … very possible it could be his last? That said, my mom is handling the heavy antibiotics for her pneumonia pretty well and is much more comfortable than earlier in the week. She […]

My mom is not recovering from back surgery as we had hoped

| August 15, 2012

It has been a tough week so far running back and forth to Columbus and OSU Medical Center to check on my mom and doesn’t look as if the next week will be much better. She is back in the hospital after never really recovering from her back surgery in May. Rehab in a nursing […]

Thinking about my mom’s declining health

| June 6, 2012

Many families face the inevitable fact that our parents will not be around forever. Unfortunately knowing the end is closer doesn’t make managing a parent’s declining health any easier. I now understand why my daughter’s medical training and rotations in “end of life care” were not attractive to her – pediatrics does sound as if […]

Dorothy Love: A nice place for rehab [edit]

| May 22, 2012

Everyone wants to head home after a hospital stay … and that includes my mom, but if rehab is called for and skilled nursing care required, I can’t think of a better place than the Dorothy Love community. It is just a few miles from my mom and dad’s house in Sidney Ohio and an […]

Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda (Taylor’s mom) and my mom

| May 13, 2012

Mom, from the time I was really young, I realized I had someone…you, who always cared, who always protected me, who was always there for me no matter what. You taught me right from wrong, and pushed me to do the right thing, even when it was hard to do. You took care of me […]

Spinal Decompression surgery and a few days on the boat

| May 12, 2012

I’ll start off with the stressful update that my mom will be going in for spinal decompression surgery at OSU Wexler Medical Center on Saturday … and that I won’t be there.  Her doctors are cautious, but confident that they will be able to relieve pain by eliminating pressure the nerve bundles and spinal cord […]

Off to Columbus to settle mom into the hospital

| May 10, 2012

Posting a personal update today as we are dealing with doctoring issues for my mom. She has been suffering with a lot of pain and various testing  for several … way too many … months. On Monday, the OSU neurosurgeons reviewed my mom’s case,  consulted each other over last weeks CT scans of her spine […]

Thinking about my mom and her better days

| January 22, 2012

Our first boat “Brenich” in Huron Ohio back around 1984??? I’ve been hankering to find a reason to include another old photo from the 1980s after sifting through the pile in my desk for the archive post the other day – there isn’t a good reason so this will be a “desultory” post. About the […]

Leaking port and delayed back surgery for my mom

| December 5, 2011

After weathering the hot summer and safely making it through hurricane season, our sailboat Encore demonstrated that wind and rain from “unnamed storms” can still find its way into a closed boat. One of the port above the book rack dripped some water onto a few books … a couple of them headed straight to […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog