RichC | June 16, 2015
By default, Twitter now plays video as you scroll through posts. This can both be a bit annoying and will use data, especially on you mobile device with minimal data. To turn off the “autoplay” feature, go to the setting menu on the mobile Twitter app (currently Apple iOS devices only) and “check” either Use […]
Category: Apple, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: apple, autoplay, ios, ipad, iphone, settings, twitter
RichC | June 16, 2015
The photo above is not mine (thankfully) but from a sailing aquaintance anchoring in SE Asia. He has been noticing fairly rapid chain corrosion in only 3 years and in particular on his anchor shackle. It spends a significant amount of time under the saltwater and we suspect that the shackle of inferior grade — […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: anchor, chain, corrosion, encore, rust, sailboat, shackle