RichC | June 22, 2015
For those of you who are NOT Wall Street Journal readers, but have always wanted to try it out, here’s your chance. The $1 price is about as cheap as I’ve ever seen from … for a 3 month introductory deal. The yearly or normal monthly subscription is higher and can be hard to […]
Category: Advice, Business, News, Tablet |
Tags: deals, digital, newspaper, reading, subscription, wsj
RichC | June 22, 2015
Taylor 2.0 … on his way to work (left). Monday, June 22, 2015, is my son’s first day as Planner for Clermont County, Ohio. Hopefully the last two years of high paced work in Williston, North Dakota have set him up well? He should be the perfect fit … but every new position has its […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: brenda, drew, east walnut hills, family, katelyn, momh, taylor