A new book to read from Fox News host Juan Williams
Posted By RichC on April 21, 2016
I would have put the title of the book in the subject line, BUT it is a long one: We the People: The Modern Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers’ Vision of America … whew! Title aside, I’m really looking forward to readings Juan Williams thoughts on the impact on America from well known figures like President Reagan, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Billy Graham and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. According to a short online review, Williams also touches on events like Stonewall Riots which brought gay life into America’s public square, as well as "the role of women in contemporary life as shaped by Betty Friedan."
At a time when many are concerned over the volatility in politics this year and see the radical change happening in our country in a negative way, a quick glance reminds us that America has had a turbulent past as it moved forward (or backward, depending on your perspective regarding some of the change). I’m hoping a little perspective has me believing that "not all is lost" … even if the current change in direction seems wrong. Hopefully after reading I’ll want to add a few more comments to this post?