The Ultimate Sacrifice

Posted By on April 16, 2006

VA in Dayton Ohio
The weather here in Cincinnati has take a sudden switch to summer this past week as both the temperature and humidity are as if it were July or August. As I left the VA Hospital complex in Dayton, Ohio I decided to drive the slowly through the cemetery and take the long way back to the expressway. It was beautifully noting how in just a couple of weeks the grass has instantly taken on the rich green of spring, but at the same time overwhelming realizing that there is a hero’s name on each one of the thousands upon thousands of simple white grave markers.
As I drove by a section of markers, I noticed a lone women standing quietly, head bowed over one of the headstones. I began to contemplated the sacrifice so many have made for the freedom that we enjoy today. As I was slowly meandering around the memorizing white markers, I contemplated what it means to sacrifice life for others. What a gift these Americans gave to me.

Ultimate SacrificeJust a day before Easter, I my thoughts return to sacrifice, but from a different perspective. This one even more important that even the giving of a life from country; Christians refer to it as the “Ultimate Sacrifice.” God gave his Son Jesus out of love for undeserving humankind who continues to sin against the One that created all. What a gift God has given me … and all who love and accept this gift of a Savior. God became man, dwelt among us, instructed and taught us how we should live, demonstrated His love for us by becoming that “ultimate sacrifice” on the cross on Calvary 2000 years ago. That death and resurrection is no less important today as it was the day it happened. Without accepting Jesus Christ and acknowledging a need for His saving grace, the road to eternal life is a dead end.

Consider carefully your position. Are you good enough on your own to meet the purity of God’s standards? (none are) God’s plan for those who desire Him is to accept this gift by grace … that gift of a Savior, who’s shed blood makes us acceptable to the Father. If you conclude that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He was crucified and resurrected, and that you need Him — then contemplate His words: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Happy Easter.


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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