RichC | November 14, 2019
Not often, but once in a while there is a television series that hooks both Brenda and me. When “binge-watching” started in earnest, a decade or so ago, it was Jericho for us (although we Tivo-ed it weekly), then 24 (although in 2009 we watch DVDs pre-streaming), and then one of our favorites, FX Networks The […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
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Tags: amazon, binge, entertainment, man in the high castle, phillip dick, prime, series, television, tv, video, watching
RichC | November 14, 2019
I probably shouldn’t make a joke about my brother Ron going in for a surgical repair to his shoulder on Friday, but since he was the one joking with me about how he has felt like a “one and a half armed man” since summer, I continue the joke. Hopefully, he will “slice” (ouch!) right […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, TBT |
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Tags: brother, corbett, family, hospital, Humor, photo, rehab, ron, ronc, shoulder, surgery, TBT