My brother and neighbor enjoying their retirement perch fishing

| July 24, 2024

Since the earlier post this morning was “private” … for friends and family … it seemed like a good idea to archive another “texted to me” photo from last week. My brother Ron has been enjoyed trips up to “his” new property (our old property) and reconnecting with neighbors. He sent a photo out perch […]

Saved May 2024 Thunderstorm over the house video for a filler

| May 21, 2024

See below … 😉 While we were under a Tornado warning earlier this month, I was outside in the backyard watching the storms to the north of our house (over the roof). There was A LOT of lightning, but surprisingly not all that much thunder?   AND since today is my brother’s birthday, Happy Birthday […]

Zillow lists “Pending Sale” on the property where I grew up

| April 27, 2024

Towards the end of last year, I added a post titled “Semi-Depressing reminiscing about my childhood home” for Throwback Thursday #TBT in December 2023. A Zillow For Sale listing had me remembering good times AND a not so good photo that did not make me smile (see link). My childhood home on Lake Erie in […]

Semi-depressingly reminiscing about my childhood home #TBT

| December 21, 2023

My childhood home on Lake Erie in 1967 It is the time of year when we reflect on the past year … or in my case … the WAY past years. Last month, my brother Ron mentioned that the property (just the land) that our childhood home was being listed for sale. We were both […]

Talking Alaska and snowmobiling when I was a kid #TBT

| February 24, 2022

Last week I was talking to an online friend from Alaska about outdoor cold-weather activities who shared a winter camping photo. He was complaining about the freezing rain and less than ideal weather this year on his 20 mile snowmobile trip, so he cut it short and drove to Wasilla to watch the start of […]

The F-16 Agile Falcon variant precursor to the Mitsubishi F-2

| July 21, 2021

My brother Ron spent his career as a civilian with the USAF and much of it was spent year working with F-16 modifications. He was a cog in the bureaucratic gears dealing with the many upgrades and decade long modification cycles. I saw this 60/40 international joint partnership model in a photo discussed by my […]

Memories of Grandmothers and Aprons plus photos #TBT

| November 26, 2020

Since I’m pre-writing this by a few days for Throwback Thursday #TBT, I realized just before post it that  it will also be Thanksgiving on Thursday. Our family won’t be getting together as usual (same for a lot of families for a COVID19 resurgence), but ours was planned that way since we rotate holidays; Katelyn, […]

Photos of a few new hardwood trees from my brother’s nursery

| September 15, 2020

It has been eleven years since we last purchased a few trees from my brother Ron’s retirement avocation – a nursery dedicated to NativeOhioPlants. He started planting trees years before so after he retired from the Air Force in 2018, it was a natural to make it a part time business. It’s not too big […]

My one and a half armed brother heads for surgery #TBT

| November 14, 2019

I probably shouldn’t make a joke about my brother Ron going in for a surgical repair to his shoulder on Friday, but since he was the one joking with me about how he has felt like a “one and a half armed man” since summer, I continue the joke. Hopefully, he will “slice” (ouch!) right […]

Happy Birthday to my brother and remembering his trees

| May 21, 2019

An odd subject line to be sure, but several “Native Ohio trees” grown by my younger brother Ron were planted in the back of our property and they always makes me think of him. Today is his birthday and wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. (photo from Raspberry Pi cam yesterday 5/20/2019 … reminds […]

Phases of life – early retirement travel and in school already

| November 8, 2018

This content is restricted.

Retirement lunch for my brother after a career at WPAFB

| June 3, 2018

Brenda and I enjoyed a retirement luncheon celebration on Saturday for my brother Ron (again) after his career working "mostly" at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. We had a great time with some of his co-workers, friends and family (his granddaughter Teagan with Keira and Ben above) at the 571 Grill in New […]

Thinking about my dad. Has it been two years?

| August 11, 2017

Tomorrow will be two years since my dad passed away, where does the time go?  His interest in cars was handed down to me and although we both approached it from different angles, we BOTH held a respect for how each enjoyed automobiles. I did not have had the same "spit and polish" love for […]

Thanks for the memories: Jim Raab

| August 24, 2015

It is not one of the better quality photos, but my brother Ron (right) sent me a “guess who this is” photo from a trip he took this past weekend. At first I didn’t know who was in the photo with him, but after a close look at the background I deduced that it was […]

Personal: We moved my dad from rehab to assisted living

| April 17, 2015

I don’t think many of us are properly prepared to make the decisions that are needed to care for elderly parents. Even though my brother and I have been through medical needs, nursing and then hospice care for my mom, we were still not knowledgeable when it came to handling dad. Thankfully, if you have […]

An update on my dad and checking the weather

| February 16, 2015

On a personal update, my Dad is doing a better with a bit of supervision and improved eating and sleeping habits … thanks to my brother Ron and his wife Claire. The last couple weeks instead of living alone at home, they have moved him in with them temporarily (we’ll see?) in order to get […]

A busy and productive weekend ended with a beautiful sunset

| September 28, 2014

I hate thinking it is an Indian summer, but the weather in SE Ohio has been beautiful. Besides working around our yard (many projects) I was up to Sidney and helping my brother work on dad’s out-building. The combination workshop/garage/barn is showing its age with a few areas under the rear west-facing eves decaying. Ron […]

Happy Father’s Day 2014 to my dad … and brother

| June 15, 2014

This first year and a half after my mom’s death has been a new chapter for my father and our family, but thankfully dad has been quick to adapt and has adjusted to living alone. Just saying “alone” is depressing, but his positive attitude makes it just a little bit easy on his kids (note […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog