RichC | July 24, 2020
It’s an uncomfortable time to be a freedom-loving and patriotic American who misses old days of going about day to day business without wearing a facemask or triggering someone by “wearing” something with the wrong message. Heaven forbid a social media unaware person thinks (well, says out loud) “All Lives Matter” rather than only certain […]
Category: Humor, Politics, Sports, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: america, baseball, blm, coronavirus, covid19, dr fauci, mlb, mp4, patriotism
RichC | July 24, 2020
As a start up, doing business with big company in order to boost sales and visibility can be a great way to grow a business. Unfortunately it can also be cut-throat and the smaller companies can and are taken advantage of. It is not new, but but in the fast-paced and highly competitive technology world, […]
Category: Alexa, Business, Gadget, Innovation, Marketing, News, Technology |
Tags: amazon, Business, clout, echo, investing, startups, tech friday, tech industry, techfriday, venture capital, wall street journal, wsj