RichC | January 20, 2023
This is a test only post from a new to me Mac app called MarsEdit. It is similar to my much loved Open Live Writer on Windows, but without a few of the features or ablity to preview the blog format while typing. Still I’m going to give it a try and see if I can […]
Category: Apple, Blogs, Computer |
Tags: blog, editor, marsedit, testing
RichC | January 20, 2023
While watching NFL playoff football this month, I started looking for a app like Blogsy or BlogPad Pro that was available “in the old days” in order to post from my iPad. Unfortunately it is looking as if fewer and fewer app developer are focused on blogging software. My preferred software “was” Microsoft’s Windows Live […]
Category: Blogs, Software |
Tags: blogging, ios, ipad, mac, tech friday, techfriday, wordpress