Spotted a VW NEW Jetta ‘GreaseCar’ by accident

Posted By on June 15, 2006

Forum Graphic‘A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum’ [a] … as the title of the Broadway musical and 1966 movie is often quoted.
My son and I were pulling off the interstate exit ramp a couple miles from home, and we spotted a VW TDI to the side of the road. It was a 2006 New Jetta (PD-TDI) model parked with its hood up and owner mulling around it. He was an older gentleman so being the good TDI Samaritan I pull off the road in front of him and introduced myself. I had expected to meet an uninformed TDI owner confused as to why his car stopped. I barely got out a “hello” when I noticed a beautifully installed GreaseCar set up under the hood. In shock I explained that this was the first one I had seen installed in a 2006 New Jetta. I was impressed at how professional the installation was and how nicely if fit under the hood.

2006 VW Jetta PD TDI GreaseCar
I was too late to really help diagnose the problem which according to a man with 40+ years of Volkswagen and diesel experience was electrical. Although I didn’t attempt to tinker (offered though), I was instead able to help him understand the electric valves, fuel pumps and filters that came with the GreaseCar kit. Thanks to Dave Gardner (linkscroll down), I was somewhat familiar with the setup and able to explain the routing. As he waited for the Triple-A flatbed to arrive we conversed about which line to remove and reconnect so as he could manually bypass the second tank grease setup. So far he has not had any problem running the high pressure PD TDI on hot grease, something I would be nervous doing. (100% Chinese restaurant Canola) installation
As the flatbed driver arrived I was handing out a Biodiesel/CinciTDI card, which the diesel truck driver wanted too, and mentioning that he might enjoy our group. I asked him to give me a call, check our CinciTDI website or send a “all is well” email. Maybe he would like to show our members his TDI at the next GTG (get-together)?

Wanted to add a link to an article about James Blake and his conversion that was written by Eric Schwartzberg and appeared in the June 21st Pulse Journal.


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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