RichC | March 22, 2020
We are definitely not the only ones praying a little bit more that usual nowadays while listening to those who are trying to help the country and world manage and get through the Coronavirus threat. I reluctantly worry about the elderly and less capable of fending for themselves especially if they have underlying health issue […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Movies, Personal, Photos |
Tags: abrams, ada ohio, airventure, amazon prime, bookshelves, brenda, college, coronavirus, covid19, family, gas pump, motel, Movies, netflix, onu, painting, prayer, richc, spielberg, stay at home, streaming, super 8, super8, vacation
RichC | January 27, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: ada ohio, alan jackson, apartment, college, cyber security, jeff pitts, jerry moody, jimmy buffett, memories, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, photo, roommates
RichC | August 12, 2019
As hinted at last week, today is the day I want to wish my wonderful wife Brenda a Happy Birthday. We are looking forward to our slowly closing the chapter of “career” (no hurry yet) … and are starting to plan the new chapter called “retirement. Anxious? Who me? Although we may have changed a […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: ada ohio, birthday, brenda, college, family, love, memories, onu, Photos, planning, retirement, richc