RichC | June 18, 2022
Not that I was bored or anything while running on generator power for 24 hours, but last week’s outage had my small load-sharing Raspberry Pi “server farm” (semi-joke) that I run at the house (see, in need of service. One thing lead to another and I ended up tinkering a bit more with this […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: apache, brenich, cms, hugo, markdown, raspberry pi, saturday, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, tinkering, wordpress, zigbee
RichC | December 4, 2020
Although I only have one address accessible IP at the house, I can split it up via “Port Forwarding” on the cheap Cincinnati Bell router, rather than the home “mesh” network. After a little tweaking (ok, A LOT), I do have a work-around solution using a variety of ports to access different devices. For the […]
Category: Computer, Gadget, Hobby, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: apache, cincinnatibell, hugo, network, pandora, pianobar, port forwarding, power brick, python, raspberry pi, router, servers, siriusxm, ssg, tech friday, techfriday, tinkering, usb
RichC | May 5, 2017
Ever since the switch from Time Warner to Cincinnati Bell Fioptics, the Raspberry Pi2 and Pi3 that I’ve been using for testbed Linux servers have been out of commission. I’m struggling to come up with a way to bypass the Port 80 block that CB and many ISPs put in place to protect users equipment […]
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: apache, blocking, isp, port 80, raspberry pi, server
RichC | March 16, 2016
Updated a bunch of plugins and WordPress themes on a couple of my personal servers … prior to making any mods to my clients sites. I’m pleased with the efficiency improvements after Apache2 configuration changes last week keeping it from hogging to much memory (no restarts since!) In this same trend continued to tweak things in order […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi |
Tags: apache, cache, raspberry pi, wordpress
Admin | December 10, 2015
I move my WordPress blog to Digital Ocean‘s smallest cloud based Linux server and the move is now complete, I think. Everything seems to be working as it should, although I’ve experienced a couple snags. All posts have been consolidated (except this one) under the RichC user_id and I’ve updated to WordPress to 4.4. The Linux “swap” as been set […]
Category: Blogs |
Tags: apache, database, digital ocean, host, server, update, upgrade, wordpress