We all have the same name for this #video: “Hand Of God”
RichC | July 27, 2020
… or maybe the hand of the Michelin Man (photo) if you are not a person of faith.
Wow, 10 years in a growing community really makes a difference
RichC | October 20, 2019
A photo from August 22, 2009 of a field that is now completely developed Saw this post from 10 years ago on my blog in August of 2009 as I was playing with the camera on my Palm Pre smartphone. At the time, I was impressed with the dramatic sky and quality of photo from […]
Shuttle launch observed from the International Space Station
RichC | April 21, 2019
Happy Easter … He Is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed! The resurrection of Jesus and His “ascension” to heaven is a vision we can only imagine. When I’m too busy to blog, a beautiful photo from space works well as an Easter post. Here’s a photo from the International Space Station (#ISS) just after a […]
Appreciating the Summer of 2016 before it is gone
RichC | August 23, 2016
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Hot weather, thunderstorms and dramatic skies
RichC | August 4, 2010
There are times that a photo doesn’t do the brilliance and vibrant color of the sky justice; Wednesday afternoon was one of those days. While we experienced some overly hot weather that saw the “heat index” rise to 112 degrees (below), the clouds, after a cleansing rain, created a beautiful view.
Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee
- lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
- digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.