RichC | October 7, 2021
… Boom … Our new windows are really not that clean, but obviously the reflective quality is not helpful and looks painful for birds flying into them. I’m starting to wonder if we should rig up some kind of netting or thin sunshade? The latest bird to hit the window left a “dust” imprint clear […]
Category: Archive, Environment, Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birds, decisions, feathers, great room, home, house, netting, windows
RichC | November 16, 2019
Here’s a WIRED article that made me think … although it has a misleading title line, even if that is what caught my attention and started me reading it. When does user-friendliness, algorithms and anticipatory artificial intelligence that is designed to help us make decisions, end up becoming "I don’t need to think at all" […]
Category: Archive, Business, Human Interest, Innovation, Misc |
Tags: ai, algorithms, article, artificial intelligence, b-17, decisions, design, macintosh, steve jobs, user friendly, wired, ww2
RichC | March 22, 2019
This is project for work as I wanted to demonstrate to a customer what I was referring to when I encouraged them to add a simple “read a script” podcast channel or simple YouTube video component to their marketing. It is a way to capture audiences who have moved away from reading articles and blogs […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Business, Marketing, Technology, Video |
Tags: apple, blog, client, customer, decisions, ipad, Marketing, mp4, podcast, promotion, richc, video, visual, youtube
RichC | June 17, 2015
Now I’ll be the first to admit, I spend too much time agonizing over purchasing things wondering if I’m buying the right model or brand … and am I paying too much. The Internet has only complicated matters since there is even more information to process. It’s the same thing when booking travel … although […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Shopping, Travel |
Tags: airlines, booking, decisions, delta, flights, southwest, Travel