RichC | August 21, 2022
While I generally do not plug things on My Desultory Blog, I do enjoy reading the paper edition of a couple of publications. Barron’s Magazine is my go-to weekend reading, but their shrinking size and poor delivery has me giving up on renewing again. If they would promise Saturday delivery again, perhaps with the WSJ, […]
Category: Business, Memories, Misc, Weather |
Tags: almanac, barrons, dow jones, farmer's, forecast, magazine, prediction, reading, winter, wsj
RichC | September 22, 2021
As we shift from summer to autumn, those of us living north of the Mason-Dixon line have to prepare and wonder just what is in store when it comes to winter weather? Although I’m not a big follower of the Farmer’s Almanac, I recognized that they have an 80% record over 230 years in predicting […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: almanac, autumn, fall equinox, farmer's, forecast, prediction, winter