RichC | August 26, 2019
Although our local EAA chapter’s Fly-In and Sunday’s pancake breakfast was questionable this year if there wasn’t an airshow on Saturday, the Stewarts were able to gather the pilots together for the Red Stewart Airfield 22nd Annual Airshow. The weekend is always well attended and appreciated by the community and those who enjoy aviation […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Hobby |
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Tags: 40i, airshow, eaa, eaa284, flyin, pancake, stewart, taildragger, tdfi, waynesville
RichC | July 22, 2017
Along with the Red Stewart Airfield airshow and night airshow on Saturday September 2, 2017, my EAA284 Chapter will be serving up a pancake breakfast for those camping over or flying in on Sunday morning September 3rd. Always a great time.
Category: Aviation |
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Tags: airplanes, airshow, antique, aviation, eaa284, flyin, red stewart, taildragger
RichC | August 21, 2016
As John “Hannibal” Smith (the late George Peppard) from the A-Team would say, “I love it when a plan comes together.” As was the case when I had acres of grass to to mow into a rain filled weekend schedule — it is great when “plans come together.” I was able to squeak in and […]
Category: Aviation, Misc, Photos, Quotes |
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Tags: a-team, chores, eaa284, flyin, generator, hannibal, mowing, taildragger
RichC | August 13, 2015
This year’s September 5th and 6th Red Stewart Airshow and our EAA284 TalilDragger FlyIn not until Labor Day weekend in September, but with my full plate I want to get my part done early. I’ve been up most every morning this week with Brenda (pain issues), and so while the PT/OT persona was at the […]
Category: Aviation, Local |
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Tags: airshow, breakfast, eaa, eaa284, flyin, pancakes, red stewart
RichC | September 8, 2010
Better late than never. I promised a few people that I would post some photos from my EAA Chapters annual TDFI (Taildragger Fly-in) which happens every Labor Day weekend at Red Stewart Airfield in Waynesville Ohio. The tradition is enjoyed by airplane-loving-types that build, restore and fly airplanes with their nose held high (the airplanes […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplanes, eaa, eaa284, flyin, red stewart, taildragger
RichC | September 7, 2009
The weekend was busy as usual with the annual Red Stewart Airshow and my Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter’s (EAA284) Tail Dragger Fly In and Pancake breakfast. Set up was smooth on Saturday afternoon and most of us enjoy relaxing for the evening on the field as the temperature cooled and the airshow started. I can […]
Category: Aviation, Entertainment, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: airshow, cincinnati, eaa284, fireworks, flyin, pancake, riverfest