RichC | July 1, 2016
This is a quick test for a new computer running Open Live Writer. I’m retiring my 9 year old Gateway notebook computer and forging ahead with a low powered and low cost Microsoft Window 10 notebook. More to come on my recent addition in a future post, but after the Gateway overheated and cooked itself […]
Category: Computer, Misc, Technology, Video |
Tags: asus, Computer, gateway, notebook, temp, youtube
RichC | January 17, 2014
A Tech Friday reminder to consider Soluto if you have a slow booting computer and revisit it after upgrading hardware … especially if you are for trying to stretch the “use by date” of an aging computer. Everyone I know love a fast booting computer, although I doubt a Windows machine is ever going to […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: gateway, notebook, soluto, ssd, techfriday, windows 7
RichC | January 14, 2014
{adinserter 2} My aging 2007 Gateway NX570XL notebook computer is now running like it did when it was a new computer thanks to replacing the harddrive this past weekend. I replaced my “previously replaced” 320GB 7200RPM drive when installing Windows 7, but the porky speed was beginning to become an issue. This time I opted […]
Category: Computer, Personal, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Computer, gateway, harddrive, nx570xl, ssd, upgrade
RichC | January 9, 2014
Don’t ask me why, but I’m going to update my old early 2007 Gateway NX570XL notebook computer with “another” new drive (I replace the drive once before with a larger HD when installing Windows 7 in 2010). This time I’ll go with a Kingston 240GB SSD. I’ve been watching the SSD drives since Cyber Monday […]
Category: Computer |
Tags: Computer, gateway, kingston, nx570xl, ssd, upgrade, window 7
RichC | January 4, 2010
Success … finally! I been all thumbs in an ongoing struggle (post one and two) to fix my notebook computer during the Christmas and the New Year holiday. I ordered the suspect part, ‘an inverter,’ for my Gateway notebook computer and after hassles with pre-Christmas shipping, finally received it only to find out it was […]
Category: Computer, How-To |
Tags: ebay, gateway
RichC | March 14, 2007
After 4 years of pretty much rock solid performance from my well (ab)used Gateway computer, my favorite notebook is starting to show signs of wear. Today its USB ports, two weeks ago it was the DC power connector. I was ready to replace it when the connections would no longer work, but being my favorite […]
Category: Computer |
1 Comment
Tags: gateway, laptop, notebook