RichC | November 15, 2013
I found out my small 28HP diesel “sailboat duty” jump starter had a bad battery last week (my starter and deep cycle battery bank is another story). Yes it was frustrating, but since Encore was still hanging in the travellift slings it wasn’t panic time either. Nevertheless it is time to find a new battery. […]
Category: Misc, Sailing |
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Tags: battery, encore, jumpstarter
RichC | January 6, 2011
We gave Katelyn’s friend Drew a multifunction “jumpstarter” which includes a small compressor to put in the trunk of his car this year for Christmas … who knew it would come in so handy so soon? Sorry to hear his new tires picked up a screw, but glad he found his Christmas gift […]
Category: Automotive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: aircompressor, auto, car, drew, jumpstarter, tires