RichC | June 3, 2014
Sometimes it good to have a place to archive odds and ends items before they are lost and in this case a slide from a Powerpoint presentation (click on photo for a larger image). From what I can tell, each resident at Nationwide Children’s Hospital has a slide announcing where they will be going and […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: columbus, hospital, katelyn, nationwide, residency
RichC | June 27, 2011
Stressful but exciting is what I remember upon leaving college and beginning to make my way in the world. I’m not sure that I would want to do it again, but it was great to believe that opportunities were there for those who worked hard for them. Now … I’m not as sure about the […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: columbus, doctor, hospital, katelyn, nationwide, pedicatrics
RichC | June 1, 2011
It was a hot day to move, but a fun father/daughter time as Katelyn moved from her old ‘digs’ in Kent, Ohio to her new Columbus area apartment. It was in part sad (leaving friends and the comfort of known surroundings) after spending 7 years of college and medical school in NE Ohio, but exciting […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: apartment, columbus, family, hospital, moving, nationwide, ohio, residency, tdi, vw
RichC | March 18, 2011
This past Thursday, March 17th, was an exciting day at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) as most in the graduating class of 2011 received their “match” for residency. Each medical school across the nation has a slightly different ceremony, but each graduating M4 senior finds out which hospital they “match” with on […]
Category: Education, Personal, Photos |
Tags: columbus, katelyn, medical, nationwide, neoucom, ohio, school