RichC | March 12, 2014
I keep thinking that something has got to give in Washington DC when it comes to the how the Obama administration and many in congress bog down the greatness of our country. The lack of an economic recovery is hurting the middle class and there isn’t a commonsense reason for it. Take the debate over […]
Category: Energy, Environment, News, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, congress, energy, keystone, oil, pickens, pipeline
RichC | August 22, 2012
Since our nation’s oil and gas industry has expanded its capacity to produce natural gas in recent years, it only makes sense that we take advantage of this plentiful, clean, and low cost energy resource. It sure sounds like a sensible way to keep the United States an economically competitive place to build and expand […]
Category: Audio, Energy, Video-TV |
Tags: cnbc, energy, natural gas, ng, oil, pickens, squawkbox