RichC | May 6, 2022
This is what you get when you continue to use leftover chargers from old phones (my Palm Pre) and continue to rely on sailing knot tying skills. Really just a filler post for a Tech Friday after noticing just how unique the old Palm USB plug was in design and how I ended up fidgeting […]
Category: Cellphone, Misc, Photos, Technology |
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Tags: ani gif, anigif techfriday, charger, knot, palm, palmpre, pre, sailing, tech friday, tying, usb
RichC | October 20, 2019
A photo from August 22, 2009 of a field that is now completely developed Saw this post from 10 years ago on my blog in August of 2009 as I was playing with the camera on my Palm Pre smartphone. At the time, I was impressed with the dramatic sky and quality of photo from […]
Category: Local, Photos, TBT |
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Tags: clouds, liberty township, ohio, palm, photo, pre, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | August 1, 2011
Yesterday I heard part of an interview with noted social scientist Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, which I recorded on my Palm Pre Z-corder app – well at least part of it. He pointed out that our government has moved beyond the point of providing just the necessary “safety net” … […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
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Tags: arthur brooks, economy, government, mp3, palm, palmos, Politics, pre
RichC | December 1, 2010
While closing in on 2 years with my webOS Palm Pre, I’ve opted to replace my original Pre smartphone with one of the last of the original Sprint Palm Pre phones before they are gone. (I’m crossing my fingers that Sprint will eventually get the Pre 2) Thankfully my insurance plan replaced the defective (but […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos |
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Tags: cracked, palm, pre, replace, smartphone, webos
RichC | October 2, 2007
I was discussing cellphones the other day while discussing the new full featured iPhone, Blackberries and Treo lineup and recalled my older Samsung SPH-i500 flip phone. Hmm … it was the one device that I wish would have seen continued development and adoption in the U.S. (the similar SCH-i539 is said to be sold in […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
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Tags: handspring, palm, pre, samsung, smartphone, sph-i500