RichC | May 30, 2015
My good friend Mark replaced his old Racor 500FG fuel filter on his boat last year with one of the newer versions with a heat shield around the bowl (although Mark and Dar recently sold Zola). From what I can tell the heat shield” was about the only change Parker Hannnifin has made to […]
Category: Diesel, Friends, Misc, Sailing |
Tags: encore, filter, fuel, parts, racor, repair, sailboat, spare
RichC | February 4, 2015
While walking out to the boat in the evening, I glanced down to see an odd looking object floating and then sinking in the water next to the dock. Sure enough a quick LED light from the iPhone illuminated the Manatee “sleeping” just beneath the water. The purpose of this trip was primarily to meet […]
Category: Diesel, Sailing |
Tags: diesel, encore, engine, manatee, racor, sailboat, volvo