RichC | October 6, 2018
As we watch the Brett Kavanaugh hearing play out in the political circus that has become Washington DC politics, some Americans have lost sight that there are actual people and lives at the center of these hearings. Senate confirmation hearings were once straight forward, and usually concluded with a vote to confirm, if the appointed […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: brett kavanaugh, government, hearing, nomination, nytimes, opinion, Politics, scotus, senate, supreme court
RichC | June 28, 2015
Read ONLY if you don’t’ mind getting lost in the weeds. I felt bit lost in my own country after the Supreme Court decisions this week and am concerned for the future. As a Christian, I’m trying to looking past my own traditional value and faith-based Biblical beliefs which have long been part of our […]
Category: History, News, Politics |
Tags: History, marriage, opinion, riots, scotus, supreme court, values
RichC | June 27, 2015
Read ONLY if you don’t’ mind getting lost in the weeds. I felt bit lost in my own country after the Supreme Court decisions this week and am concerned for the future. As a Christian, I’m trying to looking past my own traditional value and faith-based Biblical beliefs which have long been part of our […]
Category: History, News, Politics |
Tags: History, marriage, opinion, riots, scotus, supreme court, values