RichC | October 24, 2017
A couple days late in posting, but the weather was ideal for jumping on a few chores before the weather turns sour. Since the lawn was still in pretty good shape, I was able to use those weekend hours to repair some of the nearly 2000 feet of 4-board fence that borders our backyard — […]
Category: Diesel, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tools |
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Tags: chores, diesel, fence, home, john deere, kubota, logs, paslode, splitting, wood, yard
RichC | October 30, 2016
What a great autumn weekend in Cincinnati. We had a gorgeous sky last night although the panorama photo mode on my "aging" iPhone 5s doesn’t do it justice. Saturday was spend enjoying the outdoors as besides mowing the backyard, I "chipped away" at my wood pile by splitting and ended up cutting a few […]
Category: Memories, Personal, Photos, Tools, Weather |
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Tags: autumn, fall, firewood, splitting, weather
RichC | May 4, 2015
With the piles of new firewood in the woods after the latest “big expense,” what’s a few more dollars? So I bought a wood splitter. Instead of borrowing my dad’s small electric splitter as usual, I “had” decided to rent a larger gasoline powered splitter so I could haul to where the logs […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Tools |
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Tags: firewood, logs, splitting, tools, wood, yard