Preparation yardwork for upcoming concrete driveway project

| June 29, 2021

Beautiful Panarama iPhone7 Evening Sky photo – 6/28/2021 In preparation for the driveway demolition crew to arrive (neighborhood driveway work needs to be done before road repaving), I spent the weekend working to get access around the garage ready for the workers. I’m not exactly sure where our driveway fits into the schedule, since several […]

Answering an email from a reader on chainsaw sharpening

| November 25, 2017

A reader wrote me a long email last week after noticing my chainsaw post and had a couple questions regarding how I sharpen the chain/blade on my chainsaws. I really had not giving it that much though since my sharpening technique is probably not expert or appropriate advice. So reader be warned. Over the years […]

Weather wise, October weekends do not get much better

| October 30, 2016

What a great autumn weekend in Cincinnati. We had a gorgeous sky last night although the panorama photo mode on my "aging" iPhone 5s doesn’t do it justice.   Saturday was spend enjoying the outdoors as besides mowing the backyard, I "chipped away" at my wood pile by splitting and ended up cutting a few […]

The garage shop woodstove project is complete and working

| December 29, 2015

Posting a few photos after completing the woodstove project that I’ve been working on this past month or so. It is working great as we used it to dry a bit after the rainy and wet Knockerball fun when the kids were home for Christmas. After spending a few hours cleaning the old stove and […]

Dry Stack brick and leftover airplane aluminum for the stove

| December 19, 2015

It’s wasn’t as painless as envisioned during the planning stage, but the dry-stack brick heat-shield for my garage shop is ready for the old woodstove. After spending a few evenings this week fitting, bending and riveting the 6061 aluminum, I think it is ready for the catalytic woodstove to be connected to the new chimney […]

Added a gas powered wood splitter to my list of man-toys

| May 4, 2015

With the piles of new firewood in the woods after the latest “big expense,” what’s a few more dollars? So I bought a wood splitter.      Instead of borrowing my dad’s small electric splitter as usual, I “had” decided to rent a larger gasoline powered splitter so I could haul to where the logs […]

Weekend wrap up with my dad and ethanol problems

| December 8, 2014

The last week or so has been busier than usual with my dad needing to make a surprise visit to the hospital after a fall. He lives alone since my mom past away (2 years ago – wow time flies) and has not been doing the best job with fixing meals for himself or monitoring […]

A cooler mid-July followed by a weak to moderate El Niño

| July 12, 2014

In planning our upcoming trip visiting the kids, a quick search of the weather indicated that we are in for a cooling spell which will feel good in mid-July IF it happens. I also ran across the  National Weather Service predictions for a weak-to-moderate El Niño. According to the NOAA site, “typical El Niño impacts in […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog