RichC | January 9, 2014
Don’t ask me why, but I’m going to update my old early 2007 Gateway NX570XL notebook computer with “another” new drive (I replace the drive once before with a larger HD when installing Windows 7 in 2010). This time I’ll go with a Kingston 240GB SSD. I’ve been watching the SSD drives since Cyber Monday […]
Category: Computer |
Tags: Computer, gateway, kingston, nx570xl, ssd, upgrade, window 7
RichC | October 23, 2009
The copies of Microsoft’s new computer OS Windows 7 arrived today! I’m not planning to update anytime soon as I’m currently running Win 7 RC on both of my PCs. (they should operate until 2010) I’m certainly not planning to ruin this weekend by stripping the computer and re-installing all my software (the scheduled colonoscopy […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
Tags: microsoft, os, virus, win7, window 7