Books: “Killing the Rising Sun” by Bill O’Reilly (2016)

| February 1, 2025

When it comes to reading downloaded books on my Kindle, sometimes I need to pick up where I left off. Last year I started to reading Bill O’Reilly’s 2016 book “Killing the Rising Sun” and put it down to read something else. So this year, I’ve picked it back up again while spending some extended […]

A WW2 map that illustrates the ugliness of war

| November 1, 2016

For those who study history and in particular World War II, this map illustrates the human toll on each country around the world. Likely the information is well know, but seeing the losses as a percentage of population suffered outside the United States visually leaves an impression.

D-Day: Debunking the myths of the Normandy landings

| June 6, 2016

Anniversaries are useful moments to pause and reflect. For the anniversary of D-Day — June 6, 1944 — and subsequent campaign in northern France, it is also an opportunity to look at the past in detail and ask how much of what we think we know is true and how much is well-entrenched myth. Not […]

World War II aircraft, their aviators and our heroes

| March 1, 2010

While watching an aviation video online highlighting the P51 Mustang (30 min video below) and thinking about the ever dwindling number of WW II heroes from the greatest generation, I gave a bit more thought about an upcoming trip with my son. We’ll be spending a week with a World War II aviator from that […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog