RichC | November 11, 2022
Although there are many who serve or served our country we can think about on this Veterans Day, I’ve opted to reflect on my late father-in-law, Frederick Howard, who navigated B-26 bombers over Europe in World War II. He was definitely part of the “Greatest Generation” and volunteered immediately when he came of age and […]
Category: Aviation, Holiday, Memories, Millitary, Personal, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: air force, fred howard, greatest generation, jack collier, twitter, us air corp, veterans day, ww2, wwii
RichC | May 4, 2013
Jay Leno does a great job shooting automotive videos in between his real job duties (aka: The Tonight Show) and occasionally detours into subjects that interest many of us. His recognition for aviation history and those who fought for our country is appreciated … as is talking about the amazing B-17. Nice job. On a side note, I would love […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation, Entertainment, Video |
Tags: b-17, b-26, fred howard, History, jay leno, wwii
RichC | August 24, 2012
Brenda‘s sister, Chris Skinner, escorted her father, Fred Howard, on an Honor Flight this week and visited “his” WWII memorial in Washington DC. Having had a chance to take my dad with a group of veterans in 2010 gives me insight as to what a special trip this was for them. We are getting together […]
Category: Millitary, Personal, Video-TV |
Tags: father, flight, honor, Washington DC, ww2, wwii
RichC | June 12, 2011
Enjoying a World War II audio narrative and reading about the book We Were Pirates. It is a book that help us understand the life of WWII American submariners, particularly Torpedoman Robert Hunt and his point of view. He shared his memories and his collection of photos and documents from his service aboard the USS […]
Category: Audio, Books, Millitary, Video |
Tags: audio, book, hunt, military, mp3, schultz, shell, submarine, wwii
RichC | October 31, 2010
The final day of our mini-vacation was spent in the sun and ocean. We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine and warm wind. The waves were large enough to make the body surfing fun as Brenda and I soaked up the last few hours before getting ready to head for home. While I […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
Tags: aviation, b-17, ocean, surfing, vacation, wwii
RichC | May 24, 2010
Veterans from Shelby County Ohio at the World War II Memorial Saturday, May 22, 2010 I intended to blog this past weekend (May 21-23) while volunteering with the WWII and Korea veterans honor trip to Washington DC … but my hands were full from dawn until dusk … and then some! That’s not to say […]
Category: History, Personal, Photos |
Tags: county, dadc, korea, memorial, ohio, shelby, sidney, veterans, Washington DC, wwii
RichC | May 21, 2010
By the time this posts to the blog, I should be heading to Washington DC assisting about 50 World War II and Korea veterans on a trip to visit to memorials built in their honor. The three day weekend will be a chance for me to listen to them share their thoughts on serving our […]
Category: History, Millitary, Personal |
Tags: honor, korea, military, veterans, war, wwii
RichC | September 13, 2009
I learned a new historical aviation tidbit on the origination of the word “squawk” this weekend in a recent EAA magazine article. During World War II, we, the allies, used an electronic device called IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) which would transmit a secret code if hit by a radar signal. This code would tell […]
Category: Aviation, History |
1 Comment
Tags: airplane, eaa, History, wwii
RichC | September 3, 2009
While talking with a long time client and friend Bruce Claflin about the business climate, our conversation turned from that sour subject to our families. We both have close ties to living World War II USAF veterans and have sons heading in a similar direction — AF ROTC. His son being older and finishing up […]
Category: Aviation, History, Video |
Tags: b-17, howard claflin, maps, museum, wwii
RichC | April 15, 2009
Having lived in the Cleveland area in the 1980s and 1990s and remembering this event, it is puzzling why it has taking so long to deport John Demjanjuk a resident in Seven Hills, Ohio. It is good that we continue to track down war criminals, particularly those taking part in running Nazi death camps, but […]
Category: Books, History, News |
Tags: book, History, nazi, war, wsj, wwii
RichC | September 12, 2005
The Boys of Point du Hoc, by Douglas Brinkley has masterfully honored Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder and his 225 U.S. Army Rangers for their June 6, 1944 D-Day climb and the man who honored them 40 years later. Their undertaking is beyond thinking as they scaled the 100 foot cliffs while the enemy sprayed […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary |
Tags: book, boys, brinkley, History, military, pointe du hoc, reagan, ww2, wwii