RichC | September 14, 2006
This week on my trek through the state of Ohio I was driving my ‘thirsty’ (not ‘thrify’ — see previous post) Honda Pilot and started looking for the lowest cost gasoline. The excellent site GasBuddy does a pretty good job and has a great database posting results of dedicated ‘watchers’ in real time to the […]
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RichC | September 14, 2006
BIRDING NEWS — Ramana Athreya, member of India’s Mumbai’s Natural History Society, has detailed a new bird species he calls the Bugun Liocichla. It is a multicolored bird and is located in the remote Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary in India’s northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh. The bird has been named Bugun Liocichla after the Bugun tride […]
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