Taxpayers don’t want to pay more taxes at the pump
Posted By RichC on May 12, 2009
Although some in the Obama administration have proposed that raising taxes on fuel is one way to encourage driving less and buying smaller more fuel efficient vehicles, Americans surveyed by Rasmussen don’t like it. A short FoxNews interview with Scott Rasmussen highlights that 81% oppose additional fuel taxes, although they seem to be a bit more positive with the “Cash for Clunkers” proposal.
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Monday, May 11, 2009Given last year’s record-high gasoline prices and the still-fluctuating price at the pump, most Americans aren’t interested in the government tacking on any more, even in the name of fuel efficiency.
Just 10% of adults think the federal government
should increase the tax on gasoline by a large amount as a way of encouraging people to buy more fuel-efficient cars, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Eighty-one percent (81%) oppose a large tax hike for that purpose, and eight percent (8%) are undecided.
These sentiments remain largely unchanged from nearly two years when 86% said they opposed the idea of raising gas taxes by 50 cents a gallon as a result of congressional legislation that would encourage the development of more fuel-efficient cars.
In April of last year, 60% of Americans favored suspending the federal gas tax completely for the summer to offset soaring gas prices.
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Younger Americans are slightly more supportive of raising the gas tax to encourage the purchase of more fuel-efficient cars than their elders, but even among those ages 18 to 29, 79% are opposed.
Fifteen percent (15%) of men support a big tax increase on gasoline to push sales of fuel-efficient cars, compared to six percent (6%) of women.
Thirteen percent (13%) of both Democrats and adults not affiliated with either major party like the gas tax proposal versus just four percent (4%) of Republicans. Eighteen percent (18%) of government employees agree, compared to seven percent (7%) who work in the private sector.
But again in all categories, the vast majority oppose a gas tax hike as a way to push more fuel-efficient cars.
Americans give mixed reviews to the “Cash for Clunkers” plan now moving through Congress
that would give car owners up to $4,500 toward the purchase of a new, more fuel-efficient car if they turn in their old vehicle.
Only 22% of Americans are willing to spend more to buy an energy-efficient hybrid car to help the environment. Even last October, after record high prices at the pump, just 37% said they were more likely to buy a hybrid car than they were a year earlier.
Americans took a dim view of another car-focused tax when it was proposed earlier this year. Seventy-three percent (73%) rejected the idea of taxing drivers based on how many miles they drive to help fund the building and repair of roads and bridges. Only 18% supported a mileage tax.
The findings are not surprising since Americans consistently favor tax cuts
over tax hikes and additional government spending. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans, for example, support the idea of tax credits for individuals who purchase alternative fuel cars.
Most U.S. voters believe they already pay more than their fair share of taxes.
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