RichC | May 20, 2010
As headlines announce that oil is arriving to the shore of Louisiana in headlines of the paper today, the leaking BP drill site continues to gush oil at unknown rates. On the low side, NOAA has estimated 210,000 gallons per day, but after looking at the Enterprise ROV camera video I’m guessing it closer to […]
Category: Environment, Photos, Video |
Tags: bp, gulf of mexico, oil, spill
RichC | May 20, 2010
Most agree that the Federal government isn’t doing its job when it comes to protecting the southern U.S. border or in dealing effectively with illegal immigration, yet there is disagreement as to when affected states can enforce laws associated with a person’s immigration status. Heated debate continues on both sides seeing politicians from California (and […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: arizona, border, calderon, immigration, mexico, obama