National Debt now $35.4 TRILLION. That’s $2.3T more in a year.

Posted By on October 2, 2024

The government under Biden/Harris has been totally irresponsible when it comes to spending.  They’ve shown zero interest in working towards a balanced budget and have put us another $2.3 TRILLION dollars further in debt (they are spending way more than they collect in taxes).

National Debt on 10.1.2024

Of course there’s nothing new to this fiscal malfeasance … it happens no matter who is running the government. Politicians spend and have rarely, if ever, had their feet held to the fire for their actions (as posted one year ago – September 30, 2023).

  • Is the current administration to blame — Yes.
  • Were previous administrations to blame — Yes.
  • Will a second Trump or Harris administration change this — I doubt it
  • Does Congress enable — of course … they hold the purse strings and approve the bloat and budget proposed by the executive branch.
  • Very few say, “NO More” … and yet we the voters keep electing them and send them back to Washington DC to continue this same debt-spending. UGH! 

Someday, as with all nations throughout history, we Americans will suffer for such careless and reckless fiscal mismanagement (let alone our moral decay). When will the shoe drops — time will tell. Are there ANY “fiscal conservatives” left?  ☹️ 

Last year (9/30/2023) on this date:

My Desultory Blog - 9/30/2023


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog