A New Dawn: American Optimism Flourishes Post-2024 Election

| January 2, 2025

A palpable sense of optimism has swept across America since the November 2024 elections. The nation, having navigated a period of intense political division, now looks forward with renewed hope and confidence. The election results have sparked a collective sense of relief and of possibility, with many Americans believing that the future holds great promise […]

December 7, 1941 — “a date which will live in infamy”

| December 7, 2024

There are a few dates that tend to be remembered each year; December 7th is one of them. This year marks the 83rd anniversary of the surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 2,403 Americans and thrusting the United States into World War II.  […]

The real work begins: Setting up a 2025 Trump administration

| November 6, 2024

Finally the 2024 Presidential Election is over (the White House and U.S. Senate flips to Republican control) … but America is still waiting to see who will control the House of Representatives.  It has been a taxing election for American voters and likely even those just watching overseas. Both allies and adversaries are wondering what […]

How air traffic is controlled in U.S. airspace (ATC) #maps

| October 27, 2024

One of the X.com feeds and blogs that I enjoy following is BrilliantMaps. They are based out of the UK and are always post interesting maps. Last week, this one caught my eye likely because I flew small planes before Menieres … and still enjoy aviation as a hobby.  What Are Air Traffic Control Zones? […]

National Debt now $35.4 TRILLION. That’s $2.3T more in a year.

| October 2, 2024

The government under Biden/Harris has been totally irresponsible when it comes to spending.  They’ve shown zero interest in working towards a balanced budget and have put us another $2.3 TRILLION dollars further in debt (they are spending way more than they collect in taxes). Of course there’s nothing new to this fiscal malfeasance … it […]

Tesla Offers Price Incentives in China, Raises Model Y Costs in US

| March 2, 2024

Hm … Tesla is the cost for Chinese to buy its popular Model Y in China, while raising them in the U.S. — an interesting business move??? Tesla raised the price of its Model Y rear-wheel drive and long-range vehicles in the U.S. by $1,000 to $43,990 and $48,990, respectively … while Chinese consumers buying […]

Books: Starting “The Next Hundred Years’ War” by Eran Nitzan

| October 7, 2023

This past week I started a book titled “The Next Hundred Years’ War” — it grabbed my attention from the ‘Preface’ and captured my attention to the point I could not comfortably put it down. Eran Nitzan, served as Israel’s economic attaché in Washington DC, and began his book with the back and forth conversation […]

The Declaration of Independence: Freedom isn’t free

| July 4, 2023

Here’s an afternoon post for the 4th of July … our U.S. Independence Day. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons […]

The grandson of John Tyler, the 10th POTUS, is still alive

| December 18, 2022

It took a little research, but the thought of the 10th President of the United States still having a living grandson alive today seemed … well, unbelievable. Mentally, I worked the numbers … and then had to do a little Internet sleuthing … but low and behold it was true. President John Tyler was born […]

Number of shots or gun salute for Independence Day celebration?

| July 4, 2022

According to a little American Revolutionary War reading this past year, our Declaration of Independence was celebrated on July 4, 1777 with a 13-gun salute in the morning and 13-gun salute in the evening (13 for the 13 colonies). Interestingly, many historians suggest that the Declaration of Independence was actually signed on July 2, 1776 and […]

Marking Presidents’ Day with a Republican oriented photo

| February 21, 2022

Although the artist wasn’t mentioned, Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan tweeted out an impressive painting this afternoon. Happy Presidents’ Day.

A Sunday filler post for those willing to pray for our country

| January 24, 2021

"if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." — 2 Chronicles 7:14

The best part about Inauguration 2021: Memes of Bernie Sanders

| January 22, 2021

Not being an advocate for those advocating bigger government, higher taxes, progressive policies … or most Democrats in general, I was not looking forward to the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States this past week. In fact, I didn’t watch any live coverage and relied on the  news clips […]

The state of our union is “stronger than ever before” declares President Donald Trump to Speaker Pelosi’s distain

| February 5, 2020

Without going into the 90-minute State of the Union speech detail, the economic and overall strength of the United States is incredible compared to history or any other country in the world. The numbers and confidence sure look good for President Trump’s reelection campaign. Add to that the overall disfunction of Democrats (Iowa Caucus) with […]

Our countries founders and past presidents, no matter their political party, would be “turning over in their graves”

| July 2, 2019

VP Joe Biden, Sen Bernie Sanders and Sen Kamala Harris – DemDebate2 6/27/2019 After watching the two night Democratic Debate last week, I couldn’t help, but notice that the socialist wing of the party has moved every candidate WAY left. All of the current 20+ candidates running to be the DEM’s nominee have made previous […]

A good economy, but we are dealing with other political issues

| May 22, 2019

Yes … the U..S economy is in good shape … but if you are an investor, these last few weeks may not have felt like the stock market is responding as it should in a good economy? Enter trade with China … well primarily China. Yet there is also unrest in the Middle East with […]

What makes the Mississippi River important and so big?

| May 5, 2019

Every student learns just how big and important the Mississippi River is in our country. From transporting materials from the America’s breadbasket to markets throughout the country and beyond … to draining the snowmelt and rainfall off the land so it can be cultivated (was reminded of this with all the flooding this spring). It […]

Semi unifying photo after the passing of First Lady Barbara Bush

| April 25, 2018

We live in a highly partisan time, where our differences seem to matter more than our similarities … they shouldn’t. So as can happen after the passing of the highly respected First Lady Barbara Bush, age 92 last week, people and leaders come together to show their respect for her and her family. It is […]

Semi-impressed watching President Obama with Letterman

| January 26, 2018

We watched the premiere David Letterman series on Netflix with President Barack Obama the other night and both Brenda and I were impressed with the likeability our previous president exhibited – reminiscent of why he was elected in 2008 (Letterman, not so much). Obama was baited numerous times by David Letterman to weigh in negatively […]

Chinese economy #1 – thanks for the leadership President Obama

| December 5, 2014

It’s not entirely fair to blame President Obama for American decline and China’s rise in economic prominence, but his lack of inspiring American Exceptionalism and worldwide apology tour hasn’t helped. Words and attitude aside, his policies slowing our economic recovery are most to blame as we watch industry evaluate the best place to invest capital; […]

Thank a Veteran for their service today (and everyday!)

| November 11, 2014

Links and more links: Do we really need more government?

| July 17, 2012

Said tongue in cheek, just to be clear … Without big government, individuals and their businesses couldn’t build anything, according to President Obama. I suspect if he had his way we’d even have more government funded federal programs and bureaucratic agencies to oversee innovative and productivity. (Wake up America … take a look at how […]

Isarithmic depiction of the U.S. two-party system

| September 19, 2011

This was posted in late 2010, but I found the tracking of our two-party voting pretty interesting sped up over time. While trying to remember my American history, it is interesting to watch the political swings in ideology over the years. The swings between too much centralized government and regulation … and unregulated capitalism has […]

Happy Independence Day – Fourth of July 2011

| July 4, 2011

As we reflect on what it took to lay the foundation of our country and the courage so many have demonstrated over the years, let’s continue to celebrate and defend this great experiment known world over as American democracy. Happy 4th of July. Interestingly fact … On July 4, 1826, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson […]

Morphing Presidents — impressive video

| February 2, 2009

A friend of mine forwarded some talented computer morphing work on flixxy.com. The video below starts with George Washington and morphs through to the 44th  President of the United States.

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog