What are you going to invest in if inflation continues to rise?

| September 3, 2021

A friend asked me the other day, “what are you going to do if inflation becomes a bigger problem than it is already?” Good question … the canned answer (safe answer) is to be diversified. The reality is far more challenging. There was a day when the first reply was to own hard assets like […]

Do you build or buy a new house this year or put it off?

| March 18, 2021

Real estate has been on a tear in many markets as the coronavirus has people moving from cities to the suburbs and their own piece of land. In my opinion it is not just COVID19 related, but that fact that cities aren’t as secure or as tax friendly to live in, especially on the east […]

The stock market drops again as oil prices remains weak

| December 11, 2015

Stocks have been in decline as investors wait for the Fed to either “move” or get off the pot this month. Adding to the misery for those who are thinking they are in long “safe” dividend paying stocks, like those in energy, they are nervous too.  While the economy is not particularly bad, the deflationary […]

Typical risk-off trades – DJIA ends 1st quarter 2015 in the red

| April 1, 2015

Watching the commodities today … particularly oil and precious metals. In the “classic risk off trade,” when stocks are selling off, gold rises (chart right – Business Insider). Looking a little more down the road, investment banks who follow crude oil futures see the price on a slow rise after a weak winter and spring. […]

VJ Day and what has happened to the dollar since 1946

| August 20, 2014

There were a few articles on VJ day this past weekend marking the anniversary of Victory over Japan and focused on the relief we felt ending World War II. While glancing at the front pages, it made me realize how the dollar has lost value … or if you’re dollar biased, how much goods and […]

Oil shortage, demand problem, speculators or weak dollar?

| July 2, 2011

What’s with the sudden rise in oil price again? We’ve seen our weak economy take a crushing blow from rising oil prices once again. We all know that there has been an oil moratorium on U.S. oil ever since the BP oil spill … or perhaps since President Obama moved to the Whitehouse, but the […]

Crude Oil continues to slide owing to high inventory & oversupply

| May 18, 2010

Oil is ‘cheap’ according to graphs depicting Unleaded Gasoline against the dollar this past year (right) and crude oil over the past two years (below). The crisis in Europe and lack of robust economic recovery worldwide is contributing to high inventories and the faltering Spring rally in oil. Lackluster demand aside, oil production countries remain […]

Retail gasoline has risen nearly 40 percent this past year

| November 24, 2009

Although I’m not complaining about fuel prices considering our weak dollar — especially as we roll into a week of heavy travel — I did find it shocking that regular unleaded gasoline prices are nearly 40% higher today than they were last year at this time. (photo left taken 11/23/2008 in Monroe, OH) Of big […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog