RichC | March 17, 2018
Just to set the stage when it comes to shaving … I’m a “humble twin” or cheap Schick ST2 razor kind of guy. I usually add a little Barbasol Aloe shaving cream or CVS equivalent and rarely opt for an after-shave lotion. It is a daily chore that I’ve repeated daily for decades, although have […]
Category: Advice, Marketing, Misc, Shopping, Tidbits, Travel |
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Tags: barbasol, club, dollar, harrys, razor, schick, shave, shaving
RichC | August 20, 2014
There were a few articles on VJ day this past weekend marking the anniversary of Victory over Japan and focused on the relief we felt ending World War II. While glancing at the front pages, it made me realize how the dollar has lost value … or if you’re dollar biased, how much goods and […]
Category: Financial, History, News |
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Tags: commodities, dollar, inflation, prices, victory, ww2
RichC | September 27, 2012
After three rounds of Federal Reserve quantitative easing and the pumping money into the system, the economy remains depressed and there is growing concern over eventual inflation. The buying power of the U.S. dollar is noticeably weaker for those with stagnate earnings — most of middle-class America. Who knows when government inaction on trade, deficits, […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Politics |
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Tags: cnbc, dollar, eric sprott, gold, inflation, mp3, qe3, sprott
RichC | April 29, 2011
Call me a negative Nellie, but one has to wonder if we are really seeing much of an economic recovery? With prices rising, inflation looming (if not already here) and the buying power of the dollar severely weakened over the past year, how will Americans perceive those elected and appointed to guide the United States […]
Category: Financial, Politics, Video |
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Tags: dollar, finances, investing, recession, savings, stocks