RichC | April 5, 2023
Have you ever wondered why we use paste and powder (old school) to brush out teeth? Probably not … since I never gave it much thought until seeing Bite Toothpaste Bits. Brilliant idea … although the price point is keeping me from giving them a try. It is great to see ingenutiy still works and […]
Category: Innovation, Tidbits |
Tags: bites, bits, entrepreneurs, tablets, toothbrushing, toothpaste
RichC | July 1, 2013
I’ve voted for two of the listed small startup ventures that the WSJ editors believe could be worthy of going public and have listed in their WSJ Startup of the Year pages. Personally I’m pulling for PlanetReuse Marketplace seeing it as a way to use technology to network recycled building materials to those who could […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: Business, entrepreneurs, startups, venture, wsj