RichC | August 29, 2023
There is no plan to buy more stuff, but I’m collecting ideas for the wall behind my newly upgraded router table for the accessories. Previously I have either just hung the jigs, etc on the wall individually or put them in a drawer nearby with my table saw parts and jigs. Now that I finally […]
Category: Ideas, Woodworking |
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Tags: bits, featherboard, router, router table, shelf, workshop
RichC | August 22, 2023
I really did have the best of intentions to used the new knobs from Rockler to upgrade my existing router table fence, but after putzing around with my 40 year old angled aluminum non-adjustable fence, decided that an upgrade from the Amazon Warehouse (Outlet) for $133.64 made sense — although I could be wrong? The […]
Category: Shopping, Woodworking |
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Tags: amazon, featherboard, powertec, rockler, router, router table, tinkering, upgrade, workshop
RichC | March 13, 2022
When it comes to workshops, tools, jigs and helpers, we all have our go-to favorites and my 35 year old featherboard is no exception. For years now, I’ve told myself that I was going to make a new one since this was just a quick temporary one (like the miter saw hold down below), but […]
Category: How-To, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Woodworking |
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Tags: clamp, featherboard, instructables, rockler, saw, someday, table, tablesaw, throatplate, tips, tools, woodshop, workshop
RichC | July 1, 2020
As mentioned a couple days ago, I saw a fellow woodworker using a better featherboard hold-down clamp … and after over 30 years of using my “temporary” pine featherboard … with a makeshift wedge style clamp, I finally hodgepodged a new one together. The new “hold down clamp” works just fine, but after using an […]
Category: Ideas, Woodworking |
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Tags: amazon, clamp, featherboard, holddown, idea, jig, knob, tablesaw, woodworking
RichC | June 27, 2020
I’ve used the same combination of featherboards on my table saw for years (photo left). I also have a Shopsmith commercial featherboard which fits the smaller table perfectly, but it only works to hold larger sized pieces against the fence on my cabinet saw. Then there is the temporary one that I made 40 years […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Woodworking |
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Tags: clamping, featherboard, jigs, mark jones, tablesaw, woodworking
RichC | April 9, 2020
Last week while continuing to s-l-o-w-l-y work on the bookshelves and painting project, in-between outdoor yard cleanup and cutting the lawn for the first time in 2020, I also used the frame cutting miter jib previously mentioned. It is amazing just how much more accurate this set-up for my table saw crosscut sled is over […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools, Woodworking |
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Tags: bookshelves, cabinetmaking, doors, featherboard, frames, hold down, jigs, paintings, panel, rails, stiles, table saw, tablesaw, tools, woodworking, workshop