RichC | January 30, 2023
Generally, reggaeis not my thing, but this time of year it is easy for me to include something a little more tropical for Music Monday. So my music listening turns to either “No Shoes Radio” or Radio Margaritaville on SiriusXM. This week it was listening to Mishka Firth’s 2010 recording of “Just Keep Livin” as […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barefoot, brenda, excapism, flip-flops, fracture bionic, hip, injury, just keep livin, mishka, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes radio, radio margaritaville, reggae, shoulder, siriusxm, surgery, xray
RichC | August 29, 2018
Those of you who regularly read my blog know that I love wearing boat shoes (and flip-flops) and have gone thru great lengths to make them last and keep them "semi" odor free. From insoles to epoxy mixes for "wear control" … and have been accused of going a bridge too far. Short answer, it […]
Category: Financial, Ideas, Innovation, Misc, Personal, Shopping, Tidbits |
Tags: boatshoe, boatshoes, cheap, epoxy, flip-flops, frugalist, obsession, repair, sperry, topsider, topsiders
RichC | July 24, 2018
Having owned a several pairs of different branded sandals and flip-flops over the years (decades), I’ve settled on my boatshoe brand of choice, the Sperry brand, as the flip-flops I prefer. Some of the more inexpensive brands wear out too quick, others, like the ones I really like from Eddie Bauer, are slick when the […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Misc, Sailing, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, baitfish, boatshoe, boatshoes, ceramic, flip-flops, footwear, keen, kitchen, knife, sharpener, shoes, sperry, topsider, topsiders, wahoo
RichC | October 25, 2016
The weather this time of year can be very pleasant for chores outside, but morning and evening chill is definitely hinting that cold weather is around the corner. So it is time to start closing up the pool and prepping the outdoor living furniture for the nastiness of winter. I enjoyed the warmer afternoon in […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: autumn, chores, closing, fall, flip-flops, keen, pond, pool, shopvac
RichC | August 9, 2016
There was a day, when all I wore for casual footwear were boat shoes … but Sperry Topsiders in particular (also athletic shoes of course ). In recent years I’ve opted for simple slip on sandals around house, pool and at the dock or if you preferred flip-flops … or if you go WAY back – […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Sailing, Shopping |
Tags: boatshoe, boatshoes, flip-flops, insole, keen, shoes, sperry, thongs, topsider, topsiders
RichC | February 24, 2016
I’m always looking for better ways to store things on the boat … Kelley Gudahl shared a few things they do on her Sailing Chance blog … so figured I would archive them. First the flip-flop storage idea really caught my eye since we always have them sliding around the cockpit floor. There’s not that […]
Category: Archive, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: encore, flip-flops, ideas, saiing, storage, tips