Treasures found prepping old workbench for my granddaughters

| June 6, 2024

My Grandpa Bluhm made this workbench and gave it to me for Christmas back in 1966. His influence early-on likely influenced my interest in tinkering and woodworking (car restoration and rebuilding was probably mostly influenced by DadC).  This past weekend I cleaned it up a bit and added a homemade light strip with a roll of […]

Sagging elbow skin: When did I get this Grandpa Skin?

| November 30, 2021

Who really spends time looking at themselves in the mirror … at least the men that I know? BUT … I noticed my elbows when getting dressed last weekend … there is some disturbing sagging “grandpa skin” … “when did this happen?” On the other hand, I’m not alone and I suppose this is to […]

FaceTime is a Great Time for both Annalyn and her Bompa

| April 23, 2017

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Happy 25th Birthday Taylor with a little throwback video

| June 10, 2014

Happy Birthday to my son Taylor … and since we can’t be with him this year, I did a little reminiscing after receiving DVDs from our Corbett Chronicles home videos (#Throwback Thursday Tuesday). In the past we’ve made an effort to celebrate “in person,” but Williston, North Dakota is just a little bit too far […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog