My brother and neighbor enjoying their retirement perch fishing

| July 24, 2024

Since the earlier post this morning was “private” … for friends and family … it seemed like a good idea to archive another “texted to me” photo from last week. My brother Ron has been enjoyed trips up to “his” new property (our old property) and reconnecting with neighbors. He sent a photo out perch […]

Treasures found prepping old workbench for my granddaughters

| June 6, 2024

My Grandpa Bluhm made this workbench and gave it to me for Christmas back in 1966. His influence early-on likely influenced my interest in tinkering and woodworking (car restoration and rebuilding was probably mostly influenced by DadC).  This past weekend I cleaned it up a bit and added a homemade light strip with a roll of […]

Homemade Croutons: My mother would have smiled

| December 10, 2022

With inflation pushing grocery prices up, Brenda refuses to purchase store-bought croutons unless they are “on sale.” So since we had a quarter loaf of stale bread after our recent week away, I decided to cube and turn it into Rosemary, Italian seasoning, Garlic and Olive Oil croutons. After making them (bake 10 minutes at […]

Selling my May Fly lures inventory came back to haunt me #TBT

| May 6, 2021

Whoops … an interesting Throwback Thursday #TBT flashback and mistake on my part … I received an order for MayFly Lures that I posted back in 2018 and sold a few and then sold my entire inventory in one lump in 2019. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the original blog post and so received a […]

The wire from the TV signal box is now in the basement ceiling

| January 16, 2021

My wife is great … and her decorating and building taste as to what “looks” nice grows on a person after nearly 40 years of marriage … but I still grumble about some of the decision she makes. One of them was wanting a drywall ceiling rather than something removable when we finished the basement. […]

Sold the old May Fly lures in one lump. Time for a fish dinner?

| May 14, 2019

It has taken awhile, but someone who enjoys Walleye fishing decided they wanted all my MayFly Lures. He made me an offer and so decided to give him a “buy them all” price.  At least I’ve recovered most of my printing losses on this project from years ago and likely made a fisherman happy. He’ll […]

Old May Fly Walleye fishing lures that need to be tossed or sold

| March 27, 2018

While cleaning out old Consolidated Printing and Publishing files and boxes stored in our basement, I ran across about 50 May Fly Lures made by a charter fishing company. We printed and packaged these in batches on demand for Darrel Rowh’s side company Misty Blue Tackle and a note on the box indicated these were […]

Fishing and hauling big things with a small pickup in Australia

| September 6, 2017

Everybody knows that "down under" things are a little bit different … even snakes have learned to creatively fish different than most I have observed in the U.S. How many "large" dangerous looking snakes have you seen plucking a large catfish out of the water by hanging from a branch??? Snakes aren’t the only creatures […]

Ice fishing for Northern Pike in North Dakota

| March 7, 2015

It’s great to see your kids making the most of their situation. In the case of Taylor who often feels “stuck” in North Dakota … especially in the winter … he continues to fine interesting and new things to do. This early March weekend he went ice fishing with his northern buddies not far from […]

Are Bull Sharks the most dangerous at popular beaches?

| September 10, 2014

Mention Great White, Tiger and Hammerhead to most people at the beach and they will usually bristle with concern or at least know you are talking about “dangerous” sharks. Mention the Bull Shark and NOT many realize that IF the minuscule chance of a shark attacked occurred, the Bull Shark would very likely be the […]

When shark fishing, a picture is worth 1000 words

| August 15, 2013

A couple fishermen with a dogfish (shark family) on their line happened to lured something a little bigger as they reeled in their catch.

World Oceans Day may not be your highest priority …

| June 8, 2011

… but we should at least think about how we care (or poorly care) for this resource. Today (June 8th) is World Oceans Day … and not many of us even know it. I felt including a graphic below which illustrates just one aspect of our oceans – the need to pay closer attention and […]

A Fish Tale from the Big Island

| February 22, 2011

Saw this photo posted on a blog and tried to imagine what it must have been like to land a 7 foot sailfish from a kayak. Shawn’s account is entertaining. Shawn Zenor and his 72.2 lb. sailfish off Hawaii’s Punaluu Beach (Black Sand Beach) Here’s a snippet from Shawn’s post “Fighting monsters with a kayak:” […]

Ice fishermen stranded on Lake Erie

| February 7, 2009

I grew up in a commercial fishing and cottage community on Lake Erie just east from the Crane Creek State Park (label on the map below) and fondly remember ice fishing every winter. As a family we enjoyed recreation on the frozen lake from playing hockey to  fishing, ice boating and snowmobiling.  It was a […]

The Japanese dolphin kill of 2007

| November 6, 2007

Each year fishermen in Japan coral pods of dolphins by the thousands and force them into a small cove for slaughter. The killing of these marine mammals is said to be part of the Japanese culture, but is disturbing to most civilized people outside of the fishing community. Several organizations including National Geographic are bring […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog