RichC | July 22, 2024
The music from the 1970s never fails to catch my ear when I’m listening to the segment music to the Fox Business programming that I listen to during the weekdays. A song by Heart was used on Varney & Co segment change and then again played on SiriusXM’s The Bridge over the weekend. So for […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1977, dreamboat annie, heart, mp4, music monday, music video, musicmonday
RichC | August 16, 2022
Since I wear a Fitbit and monitor a few things like heartrate, exercise and daily step count, I was concerned when my resting heartrate (graph left) seemed to be rising? After talking with my daughter about it, she mentioned that it sure seemed to correspond to my COVID diagnosis. Hm??? Hopefully it will return to […]
Category: Gadget, Health, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: coronavirus, cough, covid19, exercise, fitbit, Health, heart, heartrate, resting heart, step count
RichC | May 3, 2022
My dad was known for saying he was planning to live to 160 years old and I’m following in his ridiculous longevity theories and his questionable medical advice (he died at 86 in 2015). Years ago I jokingly theorized that when Jesus told us that “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered” (Luke […]
Category: Advice, Faith, Health, Humor, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: advice, bible, cholesterol, colonoscopy, dadc, fitbit, hairs, heart, heartbeat, jesus, life, medical, relaxation, stress, theory, versa, verse