It’s that time of year to take account of My Desultory Blog life

| December 22, 2024

Part of me wonders why I continue to post “something” … “anything” … on the MDB pages everyday? Perhaps it is habit or an addictive obsession, but then again I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used it as a way to track my family life as a timeline. As the years roll by […]

Besides costly higher education and health care … buying and owning a home is now unaffordable for many in America

| March 17, 2024

Going to college after high school has always seemed expensive, but by working, borrowing and getting help from parents … it was do-able, and by today’s standards, seemed affordable. I can’t help but smile noticing that when I finally paid off my student loan that I could start saving to put my kids through college. […]

Food For Thought: A Life Expectancy in America Map

| April 8, 2023

I’m not really sure where the data for this map came from or if it is accurate (??) … but it is something to think about. 

Tech Friday: Magfast Life and Extreme charging issues

| November 25, 2022

Part of what was in my long awaited Magfast order arrived earlier this month and after charging the MAGFAST battery packs, I started to test the output plugs. The USB-C worked just fine on my Kindle reader. The Lightning plug worked to charge my iPhone 7 and iPad. The Micro-USB worked (I think) and the […]

Another colonoscopy and laughing at my old heartbeat theory

| May 3, 2022

My dad was known for saying he was planning to live to 160 years old and I’m following in his ridiculous longevity theories and his questionable medical advice (he died at 86 in 2015). Years ago I jokingly theorized that when Jesus told us that “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered” (Luke […]

For many people, working 40 hours a week would be a dream

| November 3, 2021

There was a Q & A “workfriend” letter in the New York Times a couple months ago suggesting that a “40 hours a week is not sustainable.”  A 27 year old made the comment and it triggered my GOM (Grumpy Old Man) response … especially after reading: I have hobbies. I have creative pursuits and therapy […]

Will this pair of Sperry boat shoes last for the rest of my life?

| August 7, 2021

Besides making one of those “senior moment” gaffes by switching my mini split HVAC unit accidentally from AC to “HEAT” (I was roasting in my office), I bought a new pair of shoes after being disappointed in the cheaply made pair that I bought last year. Those that read this blog know that I’ve been […]

Happy Mother’s Day: Revere, respect and honor your mother. Who knows how many days either of you will have.

| May 9, 2021

I probably should be quoting from Leviticus 19:3, but I can’t help but remember Ferris Bueller commenting that, “Life moves pretty fast …” when thinking about respecting and honoring mothers today. So for Mother’s Day 2021, focus your attention on your mother before it is too late … because from experience, “life does move pretty […]

Most parents and grandparents have room for improvement

| October 11, 2020

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Music Monday: Be Prepared but be sure to enjoy your life now

| February 17, 2020

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Why Delray Beach? – “Doors open, doors close” opportunities

| November 9, 2019

When chatting about our recent vacation to Florida with a long time customer (friend) in Akron, Ohio, he asked why we picked Delray Beach, Florida as an area to buy a condo (I detected he is beginning to think about retiring). Although I realized that I really haven’t given much thought to how we ended […]

Do improvements in technology change views on abortion?

| October 29, 2019

It has been 26 years since the U.S. Supreme Court decided on Roe v. Wade. In 1973, our nine justices decided that pregnant women should have the right to legally choose an abortion (would it be different today?). Our national debate has continued non-stop for decades, but the call is getting louder to re-address the issue […]

When all is well, life is good, even if it is not always as planned

| March 2, 2019

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Irresistible! “Hi Bompa … I see you” from my granddaughter

| January 19, 2019

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My life is more comfortable with a morning routine

| April 26, 2018

Routine: Alarm at 5:50AM, brew coffee, fix oatmeal, shower then shave (probably backwards), watch/listen to news and business information by tuning into Morning with Maria on FoxBusiness  (Gen Jack Keane‘s reflection on iPhone in photo left earlier this week). I’m probably not the only one who is more comfortable having a morning routine than winging […]

The pressure of saying the right thing or old person #advice

| February 21, 2018

There are a few things in life that can really make someone feel good … one of them is in receiving a respectful complement. Really it started as a question, but a younger father of teenagers asked me how Brenda and I "balanced our lives" when our kids were growing up.  I’m not sure if […]

Enjoyable Cruising World article by influential sailor Lin Pardey

| November 10, 2017

There is not a single "cruising" sailor my age who hasn’t been influenced one way or another by Lin and Larry Pardey. Their "go small, go simple, go now" sailing books, videos and decades of article contributions to the sailing community have been huge for generations of dreamers and sailors. I really enjoyed a recent […]

Getting life in perspective by focusing on the positives

| September 27, 2017

Brenda‘s dad lectured her sister Ann a decade or so ago about constantly having a “woe is me” moment. To be fair, she has a needier personality than Brenda that has a tendency to share one negative thing after another. I remember listening to him on the phone in frustration asking, “Do you have your […]

WSJ highlights a 1956 Packard Executive fit for a wedding

| August 24, 2016

The weekly "My Ride" article by A. J. Baime in the Wall Street Journal has become a sentimental favorite column as besides highlighting a Mercedes a couple weeks ago, did the same for a Packard this week. The story plots are almost always as unique as the  cars themselves … although this one touches a […]

So very true: Living Near Water Can Reduce Stress

| June 7, 2016

The other day in Mental Floss I read that a "Study Confirmed What We Already Knew: Living Near Water Can Reduce Stress." I can attest to this since we lived by the water when I was a boy. My parents had a home on the shores for Lake Erie with a 150 foot private beach […]

Life skills for the long haul: 8 Financial Decisions

| February 5, 2016

Some simple financial steps, 8 to be exact, to follow from Money were shared this month and they are worth reading and remembering. I’ll post below in case they disappear … but you should read it here. 1. Save More for Retirement How much money will you need each year to enjoy a happy and […]

A lack of foreign policy experience and a portrait of weakness

| October 1, 2015

The world around us is degrading into chaos as Russian “tough guy” President Vladimir Putin sent his militarily into the middle east and has quickly backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against the supposedly the terrorist group ISIL/ISIS who is aggressively building their Caliphate and the American backed pro-western rebels (well, maybe … but who really […]

Grandfathers: Reflecting on generational differences

| June 4, 2014

Yes indeed … a little soul searching by a grandson brings him a healthy dose of respect for his grandfathers. With a few highlighted examples like this, it would be helpful for many in the “me generation”  and later to take heart because we could all improve when it comes to how we live our […]

One year ago today my mom passed away

| December 17, 2013

It has been a busy year with weddings, graduations and new jobs  … and they would have been enjoyed A LOT by my mom, especially if she had better health. Unfortunately her last year of life was difficult — with constant pain, reliance on mind numbing pain medication and the inability to do even relatively […]

Facing challenges? Do you need encouragement?

| September 12, 2013

Abby and Brittany live a life that is worth admiring. Kudos to their parents, friends, etc!

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog