RichC | August 14, 2020
Friday afternoon was a day of server housekeeping, along with the week’s usual billing and accounting. It was also time to update this blog’s WordPress plugins and to the current version called “Eckstine” 5.5. In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: speed, search, and security. Thankfully after the move to […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: blog, eckstine, housekeeping, idiom, knock on wood, server, update, wordpress
RichC | December 17, 2017
Before you buy a Roomba vacuuming robot "used," be sure you know what it has been cleaning. Actually I couldn’t help but smile at this well told and somewhat humorous story that might also be a useful warning to others? Credit to Jesse Newton: So, last week, something pretty tragic happened in our household. It’s […]
Category: Advice, Humor |
Tags: housekeeping, Humor, poop, puppy, robot, roomba, vacuum
RichC | August 4, 2013
It has been a few years since the automatic update from failed on my server … and only after the fact did I regret not doing a full backup prior to attempting the update (really, I’m posting just to see that all is working after the upgrade). After downloading the new install files and […]
Category: Blogs |
Tags: backup, blog, housekeeping, palm, plugin, update, wordpress