RichC | June 3, 2022
Over the years, I have backed a few smaller companies needing capital and pre-sales to expand their businesses. Before the days of online crowdfunding platforms such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter, I participated as an investor in two smaller Ohio local companies … one that landed a contract to fulfill candy for Disney World which need […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Innovation, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: capital, elio, elio motors, funding, indiegogo, kickstarter, lures, magfast, mayfly, ordering, shipping, startup, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | August 24, 2016
Just another ingenious Indiegogo project attempting to raise capital through crowdfunding. We probably don’t need them in the states, but it would be a great option for Minneapolis bike riding … just thinking about my daughter and son-in-law!
Category: Business, Social Media, Video |
Tags: bicycle, bike, crowdfunding, cycling, indiegogo, podride, sweden