RichC | July 26, 2014
It is pretty easy to be cynical as a squeezed taxpayer seeing the waste and excess by those who manage public money. I regularly deride the inefficiencies in publically funded programs … particularly those highlighted in the news. (ie. VA, IRS, quirky grants and crony project contracts like Solyndra or “the bridge to nowhere” – […]
Category: Education, Personal |
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Tags: katelyn, lakota, ohio, school, taylor, west chester
RichC | May 20, 2013
My son mentioned a video produced by his alma mater, Lakota East High School, and after first thinking it was just another goofy video, I realized that the community and student body effort was a lot of work – I even watched it to the end as the music gets more appealing to those of […]
Category: Health, Local, Social Media, Video |
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Tags: cincinnati, ellen, lakota, lip dub, spina bifida, west chester
RichC | July 19, 2010
Candidate for governor John Kasich would be smart to focus his campaign on what is impacting Ohio residents — focus on “smaller and local” needs: Jobs, Economy & Taxes. As the Tip O’Neill saying goes, “all politics is local.” There isn’t anything quite as local as a paycheck and a job … whether one is […]
Category: Education, Politics |
Tags: kasich, lakota, ohio, school, strickland, taxes
RichC | February 18, 2010
It looks like the Lakota Board of Education has decided to place a new levy on May 4th’s primary ballot in our area – LINK – not a well timed request, in my opinion. I’ve been mostly supportive and relatively pleased with the education my kids have received in our local public schools, but from […]
Category: Education, Financial, Local, News |
Tags: lakota, levy, school, taxes
RichC | August 20, 2008
My son had an end of summer cookout and bonfire (sorry for the lack of focus above) this week for he and his good friends head off to college this fall; most will be parting ways and heading in different directions. As a parent, its been great to know my sons core group of friends, […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
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Tags: bonfire, friends, lakota, school, taylor
RichC | June 1, 2008
It has been a busy few days getting ready for a well attended open house, family for the weekend and my son’s high school graduation ceremonies. (baccalaureate and graduation) The good weather held and everything went very well, thanks to my wife’s planning … and we even have some left over food! Since I’m traveling […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: corbett, family, graduation, lakota, school, taylor
RichC | October 6, 2007
I didn’t get a chance to post a comment, but my son has a great group of high school friends. A bunch of them got together for photos on Saturday before they senior year Homecoming dance. Have such great kids sure makes being parents of teens less stressful; we are very fortunate. Thinking back, I […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: east, friends, homecoming, house, lakota, Photos, taylor
RichC | October 5, 2007
We had a great time tonight watching both an excellent high school football game and see my son’s close friend Katie crowned homecoming queen. Congratulations Katie! (and Anthony) My wife and I enjoyed the game with friends on a warm October evening. Our Lakota East Thunderhawks scored in only two plays after a strong initial […]
Category: Friends, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: friends, homecoming, katie, lakota, taylor
RichC | May 27, 2007
In remembrance of those who gave their lives for our country, I paused for a moment to retire our tattered flag and hoisted a new one. As a nation and a people we have so much … I thank God for our nation and for those who gave their lives to found, secure and protect […]
Category: Misc, Photos, Video |
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Tags: bash, birthday, friends, house, katie, lakota, mp4, party, school, taylor, video
RichC | June 5, 2006
The weather here in southwest Ohio has really been terrific lately. We’ve enjoyed warm days, sunny blue skies and cool dry nights … although I know the humid weather is probably only a few weeks away. While cleaning up the yard we’ve been piling up debris and building a monster pile in the backyard. My […]
Category: Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birthday, bonfire, friends, lakota, memories, school