RichC | May 23, 2013
In keeping with a slow once-over on the new to me 1982 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbodiesel, it looked as if the previous oil change was not a diesel specific oil … meaning that it wasn’t designed for the additional soot carrying and lubricating characteristics often associated with compression ignition engines. Along with needing EIGHT quarts […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes |
Tags: 300d, diesel, gerber, lubrication, mercedes, oil
RichC | May 20, 2011
I’m posting Kickstarter link for a device designed to check the quality of engine oil. It is called Lubricheck and I’m hoping that someone reading this with engineering thoughts on how realistically accurate the device might be? I’m a mileage oriented oil changer, but with the price of synthetic oil, diesel oils and just plain […]
Category: Automotive, Technology |
Tags: device, lubrication, lubricheck, monitor, oil