RichC | October 12, 2019
It isn’t easy to see this little magnetic bracket I made to hold my new Amazon Echo Auto low on the dash of the BMW X5 35d. I opted to make a little aluminum bracket that straddles the pushbutton switch blanks to the right of a few other buttons. It is fastened with automotive trim […]
Category: Acura, Alexa, Automotive, BMW, Computer, Gadget, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, auto, automotive, BMW, echo, echoauto, jerry-rig, jury-rig, magnet, mount, neodymium, rustoleum, x5 35d
RichC | May 28, 2019
Just a little bit of wasted time this weekend after realizing I need a better way to hold my iPhone when using it for video conferencing and FaceTime calls. In the past I’ve used a little rubberized tape on the edge of ceramic plate that sits under my iMac … … but it was never […]
Category: Cellphone, Misc, Technology, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: calls, conference, facetime, holder, iphone, magnet, neodymium, project, video, workbench
RichC | March 6, 2019
Back on what would have been my dad’s birthday, I posted a photo of my new Ridgid work light hanging on his old toolbox. The toolbox was one of those items of my dad’s that both my brother and I wanted when we were going through our parents belongings – I ended up with it. […]
Category: Advice, Photos, Tidbits, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: dadc, epoxy, fix, magnet, neodymium, tips, toolbox, tools, workshop