RichC | June 15, 2022
Big storms ripped through our area on Monday night and left a mess of things in much of SW Ohio. Lots of tree damage and even a loss of power for 24+ hours in our neighborhood. I spent the lunch hour working with a couple of neighbors to clear our lane and yet still have […]
Category: Energy, Personal, Photos, Weather |
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Tags: damage, diesel, generator, john deere, neighborhood, power, predator 2200, storms, trees
RichC | September 19, 2016
Good question: By ear, the slightly smaller and far lighter Honda EU2000i inverter based generator is definitely quieter than the less expensive, but larger in dimension, weight and power Predator 2200. Read on for a few more points. I like both of inverter generators and each will serve a slightly different purpose. The Honda is […]
Category: Advice, Audio, Energy, Misc, Sailing, Tools |
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Tags: comparison, decibels, EU2000i, generator, honda, inverter, predator 2200