RichC | July 4, 2021
Well … no surprise, but divisiveness (or just a “put the spotlight on me”) continues in our free-to-protest country. At one time, standing for our flag, appreciating living free from government oppression in America and singing … or at least respecting … our National Anthem was nearly universal, but in the past decade, not so […]
Category: Books, Holiday, Politics, Sports |
Tags: 4th of july, america, freedom, Holiday, independence day, liberty, olympic trials, protests
RichC | June 13, 2020
It is officially time for me to start wearing the “grumpy old man” cap (or “GOM” as my “poke the bear” friend Jeff refers to it). I can’t believe the things our country is now divided over. Tomorrow I’ll detail a little more on the serious items, but today its the ridiculous attack on everything […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: civil society, government, law enforcement, legos, paw patrol, police, protests, ridiculous, riots
RichC | June 11, 2020
After listening to the loudest protestors from around the U.S. seemingly unite around the “defund and dismantle the police” manta, it is natural for people to ponder the questions regarding how this movement of angry people intend to “keep the peace.” As some point laws aren’t going to be followed, gangs and thugs will intimidate […]
Category: Movies, News, Politics, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: boston dynamics, chappie, cnn, coronavirus, covid19, defund, dismantle, george floyd, lisa bender, mike rowe, minneapolis, podcast, police, prager, protests, riots, robots, safety
RichC | June 6, 2020
It is hard to imagine the lawlessness and chaos we would see without a fair bit of law enforcement of some kind? Perhaps Americans aren’t really hearing each other and are unwilling to have a logical debate … but “defunding the police” make no sense to me whatsoever? If fair minded people were talking, there […]
Category: Human Interest, Personal, Photos, Politics, Sports |
Tags: ani gif, basketball, cities, defunding police, grill, law enforcement, neighborhoods, opinion, protests, riots, weber